Programmes Overview

Our Programmes

Fostering camaraderie & achieving greater heights through the power of synergy!

  • Social Emotional Learning elements
  • Improve communication, social & interpersonal skills
  • Boosting team spirit & a sense of belonging

Highlighting the five leadership practices from Kouzes & Posner’s The Leadership Challenge

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

Age-appropriate action-packed activities to simulate the challenges in life

  • Develop better team spirit & interpersonal skills
  • Increase self-confidence & self-esteem
  • Have fun! 

Inculcating a spirit of innovation & a strong sense of entrepreneurship

  • Positive attitude towards risk-taking
  • Embrace challenges & stretch beyond perceived limits

Inculcating a spirit of adventure & team spirit while creating awareness about our natural environment, flora and fauna

  • Raising awareness for our natural surroundings
  • Adventure Sports – introducing healthy hobbies
  • Encouraging responsible citizenship

Develop an awareness towards environmental sustainability and conservation

  • Promote the concept of being environmentally friendly
  • Instill a sense of citizenship and community 
  • Incorporate environmental practices into everyday life

Forging friendships and fostering esprit de corps among new friends and teammates.
Especially ideal for Sec 1 classes

  • Forging team & class camaraderie through shared experiences
  • Building a sense of belonging

Enabling students to take up leadership roles, allowing them to showcase and improve their leadership skills through various challenges & environments

  • Boosting self-awareness & self-management
  • Appreciating differences & embracing similarities
  • Conflict resolution

Developing mental toughness and comradeship through a rigorous shared experience. Enhancing leadership skills through expedition planning and taking on various roles

  • Accept & tackle challenges proactively
  • Enhance & master acquired survival skills 

Instilling toughness & resilience in students to overcome daily challenges in school and life

  • Strengthen resilience to stress and pressure
  • Adapt to adverse situations
  • Express gratitude to self and others

Exposure to various career paths and imparting relevant skills for the workforce

  • Develop employability skills such as interview skills
  • Boost interpersonal & communication skills
  • Exposure to different types of occupations

Training emotional and mental strength in the face of difficulties and the ability to withstand adversity

  • Building courage in the face of challenges
  • Pushing through perceived limits

Exposure to authentic experiences in others’ culture

  • Immerse & appreciate the history and culture of other countries
  • Develop character & leadership skills
  • Boost camaraderie through unique experiences
  • Inculcate the value of citizenship

Enjoy quality family time together engaging in meaningful activities!

  • Boost appreciation & affection for one another
  • Encourage positive communication between one another
  • Enhance spiritual well-being and commitment between family members

Our latest Virtual Adventure Learning Programmes (VALPs) are developed specially to cater to the current situation in 2020, which requires us to be socially distanced. Nevertheless, we are here to assist in team-building and enhancing of leadership skills with our VALPs which are designed optimally for online conferences.

  • Boosting teamwork & synergy
  • Improving effective communication skills
  • Understanding the importance of seeing the big picture & playing the role of a team member

CAMP CHALLENGE conducts and assist with various water-based activities and programmes for its sister company, FOCUS Adventure. With its fleet consisting of dinghy sailboats, keelboats, kayaks, dragon boats and more, SeaOPS invites you for an exCELLence time riding the waves out in the open sea.

Introducing SEA ExCELLence. A first of its kind Water-Based Activities only camp, programmes and courses.

With SEA ExCELLence, you will be treated to an all-rounder experience in teambuilding, leadership and resilience as our combination of activities and our impressive fleet of sea crafts brings you on a ride on the waves of adventure!

Our programmes are fully customizable!

Simply fill up our OPTIONS Form with your specific programme details and we will contact you via e-mail.

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